Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall Aspen Trees Nail Design

I *LOVE* fall! The slight chill in the air. The pumpkin patches and corn mazes. The lovely colors! So, while surrounding areas are flooding and shut down, for this rainy day inside the house I decided to do a tribute to fall.

I did a search for aspen-themed nail designs, but couldn't find any! And so, I did my best.

After my Beauty Secrets base coat, I applied two thin coats of SinfulShine Rendezvous (from SinfulColors). Once again, I love this polish! Beautiful color and shine!

Then, using a striping brush with Finger Paints Hip Hip Hue-Ray, I did a vertical stripe, flicking it slightly at the end/top. I then used a very fine brush with SinfulColors Winter Wonder to add in some small lines/dots up the trunks of the trees.

I then used a small dotting tool and Orly Hook Up to put some leaves on the trees. I also did a mix of the Hook Up with China Glaze Starboard to give some leaves a hint of green. In the pic below, the two fingers on the left have the leaves with a slight green, the ones on the right have not had those leaves added yet. You can kinda tell in the pic how much it gives the tree more dimension.

Then, with some of the trees, I decided to add a bit of orange. I used Nina Burnished Bronze and mixed it in with some Hook Up and added a few hints to the occasional tree. Add in a shiny top coat, and voila! Beautiful fall aspens!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunflower Nail Design

So I apologize it's been FOREVER since I've written a post! Mostly because it's been forever since I've really done anything creative with my nails. It's been a busy summer! Vacations, family visiting, moves, new jobs, and so forth! But this past weekend I finally sat down and did my nails to share with you!

Sunflower nails!!!

So, after my Beauty Secrets base coat, I painted my nails a couple coats of SinfulShine Rendezvous. I love this color! I was out of my China Glaze For Audrey, but this Rendezvous is so similar! Then I used a large dotting tool with Finger Paints Bronze Sculpture for the center of the flowers. 

Then, using a small brush, I painted on the petals with Orly Hook Up. I was planning on using a fine brush and outline all the petals with black, but they overlapped so much I was worried about them looking too crowded. So instead I went over the petals of some flowers with Orly Glitz.

To finish, I went back over the centers with the dotting tool and Bronze Sculpture to clean them up. End with Beauty Secrets top coat, and done! Sunflowers for September!!