Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Lilies Nail Art

Alright, I promise I didn't drop off the face of the earth! I was actually on Spring Break and got to have a little fun :)

So, I did my nails for St. Patrick's day but never took any pictures! Which is ok, 'cuz it didn't come out as I had pictured it so they weren't anything exciting. I did a gradient from light green to darker green on the tips. Then I drew some clovers in black with a thin brush.

For Easter, at first I thought I'd paint my nails in pastels and then polkadots or zig-zags, like Easter eggs. Then I decided to go a different direction and did Easter lilies so that it was also a tribute to spring.

After my Beauty Secrets base coat, I did THREE coats of Sally Hansen Frozen Solid. It's a really sparkly light blue and needed an extra coat to make it a solid color. Then I used Finger Paints Hip-Hip-Hue-Ray! which is a white and drew the petals of the lilies. For an example, I just looked up pictures of Easter lilies and did the best I could. I outlined the individual petals with Sinful Colors Slate which is a medium gray so the lines wouldn't be as harsh as they would have been with black. I used Finger Paints Sketch-N-Etch to draw in the stem and leaves, then Sinful Colors Happy Ending and Finger Paints Guggen I'm Lime for the details in the center of the flower. For my ring finger, I painted it with Sinful Colors Out Of This World and then topped it with Finger Paints Sparkle Top Coat to give some contrast to my mani.

So there's my Easter/spring manicure! I will have another update here soon for my current spring-themed nails, too! :)

Happy Easter and Happy Spring time!


  1. This is so cute! Was it hard to draw the lilies?

  2. It was a little difficult... I did many practice lilies before I did them on my nails tho
