Saturday, February 8, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII Seahawks Argyle Patterned Nail Design

I know I've fallen behind on these blogs, so I made myself promise not to paint my nails again until I get something written! And so with that, I share the design I did to support the Seattle Seahawks at the Super Bowl this year.

The colors and polishes I used were::

Kiss Beach Green (it comes with a striper brush so getting an even coat was a little tough)
SinfulColors Slate
China Glaze First Mate
Kiss Silver Glitter

I do one nail (my pinky on my left hand) with Broncos colors. The polishes I used for that are:
Sally Hansen Hard to Get
China Glaze First Mate
Sinful Colors Snow Me White

I was inspired to do the argyle pattern from this youtube tutorial by MissJenFABOULOUS and it's super easy!!
The trick was to use scotch tape, cut off the jagged edges to make a straight edge, and then use the squared corner to get the pattern nice and clean!

I painted my nails with the Slate on the half of the nail at the base and the Beach Green on the other half. 
I thought they were dry, but the tape ended up taking most of the polish off with it. When I redid them, I waited until the next day before putting the tape on.
Put two squared off corners point-to-point, one over the green half, the other over the gray half. Then I put on a coat of First Mate and pulled off the tape after a minute or two had passed.

For the last step, I used Silver Glitter with its striper brush to put on the finishing touch to make the argyle pattern. As mentioned in the tutorial video, don't have the stripes meet in the middle of the edges of the design, otherwise you end up just making a giant diamond on your nail. 

Then just put on your top coat, and done! A sweet argyle pattern that can be used with a huge variety of colors! And they showed my pride for the Seahawks so well too!! (In the pic above you can kinda see my Broncos nail with the orange and blue, and then I used white with a striper brush to finish the pattern.)

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