Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring French Tip - Blue with Polka Dots and a Daisy

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I've been playing with the acrylic paints but have been crazy busy so haven't sat down to upload what I've done!!

What I want to share with you now is my last manicure. I wanted something bright and colorful and fun for the oncoming spring! So I give you my spring polka dot manicure!

Except for my base and top coat, the rest was all done with acrylic paint. The blue is this lovely shimmery color from Artist's Loft called Metallic Cobalt Blue. I used the blue to paint the french tip on all my nails, except I painted my entire ring finger nail. I then used a Bright Pink paint from Craft Smart  for the polka dots. I really like using the acrylic paint for the dots because you have so much more control to make them small! With polish, I have the intent to make small dots and always end up with much bigger ones.

I then used a white paint and a detailer brush to draw my flower petals. I kept it pretty simple. At first I used some yellow paint for the center, and then later decided to put a yellow stone there instead. Top coat, and done! I love the colors!

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