Friday, November 9, 2012

Some Things Don't Turn Out How You Think...

So, sometimes my brilliant ideas look wonderful in my head, but then just don't turn out quite right when I try to do them. Here is my most recent example::
So I really liked the idea of the one-stroke technique. It's where you use a thin flat brush, put one color on one corner and a second color on the other corner, then you sweep it into a design and it incorporates both colors and looks super cool. All the tutorials online use acrylic paints, but since I don't have any acrylic paints, I used nail polish.

Well, now it's obvious why they use acrylics instead of finger nail polish on finger nails!

So... it REALLY didn't turn out how I imagined it.... It just kinda looks like a mess!! And, lesson learned!!


  1. I've never heard of that technique...I'll have to check it out. I like how you posted how something that didn't turn out the way you wanted..... Unfortunately that happens a lot with me, haha

  2. It looks really cool in the tutorials! But there's obviously a reason for using the paints and not using actual nail polish lol!! Maybe someday I'll invest in some acrylic paint...
