Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

So, I know you're probably expecting some Halloween-themed nails. Pumpkins, or candy, or something spooky.

Sorry to disappoint!!

Instead I'm sharing with you what I did to go with my costume this year. For those of you familiar with The Guild (and if you're not familiar with The Guild... GET YOUR BUTT TO YOUTUBE AND WATCH IT!), I dressed as Codex this year.

(Felicia Day as Codex)

To go with this costume, I wanted some red and gold. I didn't really have a specific pattern in mind, so I just drew some random flourishes with a thin brush. At the end, I used some gold glitter polish with a dotting tool to add a few spots of sparkly gold.

The polishes I used were::
*Beauty Secrets Base Coat
*China Glaze Ruby Pumps (I LOVE this sparkly red! Makes me think of the ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz!)
*Orly Glitz
*Orly Too Fab
*Beauty Secrets Top Coat

Maybe this weekend I'll play around with some autumn-themed designs to make up for slacking on the Halloween theme... Hmmmm....



  1. Cute nails! Looks like they went real well wtih your costume! And Ruby Pumps is one of my favorite polishes of all time :)

  2. I actually got that polish from my mom 'cuz she said she would never wear it. I love it! Makes me think of Dorothea's ruby slippers!!
