Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Funky French

Once again I felt like doing something on the simple side. While browsing Google pics, I found one picture of a black french tip manicure with two stripes of blue going diagonal across the nail. (I can't seem to find the picture now, but it's out there!)

Anyways, so what I did was Beauty Secrets base coat, and then a coat of Nina French Ivory. I then did a diagonal french tip in Nina Black, except on my ring fingers. Then I used Nina Caribbean Blue to draw a stripe along the edge of the black and some flourishes along the tip. Then I used the black to draw mirrored flourishes on the clear half of the nail. Then to add a little extra, I put some small dots in the blue near the black flourishes. On my ring fingers I did the opposite colors.

And there ya go!


  1. Thanks! And I'm still waiting to see what you did for your New Years design!
