Saturday, November 24, 2012

Civil War Day!!!

I am a proud Alum from Oregon State University, and today was our Civil War football game against our long-time rivals from University of Oregon. Although my OSU Beavers fell short in the game (truthfully and sadly, they were looking very sloppy by the end), my nails were still awesome!!!

 My left hand, with the mascot Benny Beaver (real picture below) on my thumb :)
My right hand. A little messier since I had to draw/write with my left hand. 

First I did a base coat of white. Then, using a variety of different brushes, I used Finger Paints Bronze Sculpture for the majority of Benny, outlined him in Nina Black and a spot or two of Nina Shiny Penny, and then a final outline of Nina Burnished Bronze. For all the letters I used the Nina Burnished Bronze and outlined in the Nina Black. 

So, although we lost the game, my nails are a win :)

In the past, I've done a much more simple design: marbling. I painted my nails black, and while the polish was still wet, I used a medium sized dotting tool to put a couple dots of orange on my nail. Then, using the dotting tool, I just did a little swirling action and it came out pretty cool looking :) I also did one nail the opposite.


  1. I was pretty proud of my beaver :) ... wait... that sounds wrong... but you know what I mean!!
