Monday, November 26, 2012

Feeling Plaid

I wasn't quite sure what pattern I wanted to do last night, so I went cruising on the internet to get some ideas. I remembered looking at some plaid designs in the past so I did a search on plaid nail art and stumbled across a tutorial from meliney that had a nice and easy way of doing an argyle/plaid design.

For my base color, I used Finger Paints Bronze Sculpture. Then for the diamonds I used Finger Paints Sketch N Etch. For the first lines that went through the center of the diamonds, I used Orly Glitz. Then I went one step beyond the tutorial and added another stripe of China Glaze Ruby Pumps. 

Now, when you pile up colors like this, the polish tends to be a little uneven and even kinda bumpy. But I think it still turned out really cool :)


  1. Wow Linds! I love this. I bet it takes lots of patience for it all to dry but it is definitely worth it. :)

  2. OH MAN it took a while! But it turned out looking SO cool!! I need more practice with it 'cuz it did end up quite bumpy and that was bugging me... :/ hmmm
