Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Nails

So, when I was thinking about doing something Thanksgiving themed, I knew for sure that I did NOT want little turkeys on my nails. I've also already done fall colors and leaves. So, since I was still in the mood to play with gradients, I thought I'd try something a little different...

Over the summer, I saw something on pinterest that I really wanted to try. You paint your nails bright, vibrant, even neon colors. Then, using striping tape (I found mine on Amazon for maybe $5), stripe designs on your nails. Stripes, diagonals, Xs, whatever. Then, you paint over them with a thick layer of black polish and pull the striping tape off. What you'll have left is a pretty cool effect!!

This was only my first attempt. Since then I got a little better at it lol :)

So, remembering that technique, and wanting to do fall colors in gradients, a fun idea was born!!

First, after the Beauty Secrets Base Coat of course, I painted my nails Sally Hansen Golden-I. Then, to my dismay, I couldn't find my striping tapes!! So, believe it or not, I used regular ol' scotch tape! I would tear off a piece, and then use scissors to cut a really thin strip. I could make them taper to a point, or just put one end of tape on my nail... whatever I felt like! Maybe someday I'll try cutting wiggles or something lol.

Then, I wanted to put my gradient colors in the right order. The colors I picked were:
OPI Bogota Blackberry
Nina Candi Apple
Nina Shiny Penny
Finger Paints Bronze Sculpture

I put them in that order for a reason... I wanted the darker colors on the outside and the lighter colors on the inside. Why, you say? Because I wanted to do a VERTICAL gradient! So going from left to right, it goes from the Bronze Sculpture to the Bogota Blackberry.

Then I simply pulled off the tape and voila!! Now, on one nail some of the Golden-I came up with the tape, but it was an easy fix with a small brush. I have a lot of pictures because it was difficult to really capture the subtle gradient.

 From the brown side

 From the red side

You can kinda see the transition between colors here. Also can see what I mean about the tapered points and blunt ends.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. You don't like the little turkeys huh? (Can you guess what I'm doing? Ha) I love this manicure!!!! Very pretty color choices :)

  2. HAHA! I just didn't feel like little turkeys on my nails! I am planning something epic for Civil War Weekend, tho... so hopefully that works the way I want it to!

  3. I look forward to seeing it! :) I should do some Apple Cup nails! Haha
