Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun With Sponges!!

So, I introduced one way to use a make-up sponge with my Snow Day nails in my last post. That technique can be used with a variety of colors for all sorts of fun! The gradience always looks super cool on it's own, or as a base for other designs!
Here is the sponge for the purple nails that I did for my friend this past week.

And below is the result! Since her nails are a little on the short side, I only used 4 colors: 
China Glaze VIII
Finger Paints Be A Pal-ette
China Glaze Spontaneous
Nina Lilac-ing Discipline

I then put China Glaze Fairy Dust on top and used a sparkly silver to do a little flourish on each ring finger nail. 

Here's something similar that I did on my own nails a long while ago using shades of blue (it may take some research to remember exactly which colors!):

And below is another gradience using oranges and golds, and I eventually put Orly Too Fab over the top to add some glitter:

Below is one that I did a while ago that I think is still one of my favorites! I'm going to take a guess on what colors I used:

Sally Hansen Golden-I
Orly Glitz
Orly Hook up (maybe?)
Nina Shiny Penny
Finger Paints Bronze Sculpture
Orly Too Fab over the top
I then used Nina Black to draw in some leaves. I did some searches on youtube and found a couple different tutorials with different leaf designs that I combined. I'll try and look up which ones I used.

Now, that's a lot of cool stuff you can do using the same technique! What about other uses for the make up sponge?? Check out this tutorial to make a galaxy design that's out of this world! (hehe):
I followed this tutorial almost exactly. I had to make some slight adjustments on the colors used, but I followed the same steps! You just tear off a small piece of sponge, dip it in your color, and use that to dab the polish onto your nail in the design!

 I'm sure there are other ways to use a sponge to have some fun with your polish, and when I know more I will certainly pass that info on!!

Enjoy :)

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